Air Cushion Vehicles Archive

Feasibility Study
for a Tourist Hovercraft Operation for a private client, 1991

This study evaluated the technical, economic, and environmental feasibility of operating a small hovercraft carrying tourists along a scenic river in the Yukon. Dickins carried out worldwide survey of available vehicles as part of this work. The contract also involved a separate business plan.

Hovercraft Operations in Cook Inlet, Alaska
for the City of Anchorage, 1990

Dickins was contracted to evaluate the technical feasibility of using air cushion vehicles for search and rescue in the Cook Inlet area. The work included a detailed review of the operating environment, focusing on the ability to cope with rough ice and cold temperatures.

Evaluation of Hovercraft for Dispersant Application
for Environmental Studies Research Funds, 1988

The objective of this project was to determine if hovercraft could be used for high-speed dispersant application. Trials were conducted in the Strait of Georgia in 1986 with an SR.N6 hovercraft supplied by the Canadian Coast Guard Search and Rescue Base in Vancouver.

Evaluation of Hovercraft for Support of Beaufort Sea Production Development
for Gulf Canada Corporation (Calgary), 1986 and Conoco (Houston), 1989

Existing hovercraft and new designs were evaluated for their ability to meet the year-round supply requirements of offshore Beaufort Sea oil production facilities. Preliminary design drawings and specifications were developed for several new hovercraft with 75 to 300 tonnes payload capacity.

Review of Air Cushion Vehicle Capabilities in Support of Oil Spill Clean-up Operations in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea
for Shell Oil Company, 1979

ACV designs were assessed on a worldwide basis as to their suitability for the oil spill clean up and support roles. The study included site visits with manufacturers and designers in Canada, the United States, and the U.K.


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March 14, 2016